From Last Outlaws Online


1.) What is Last Outlaws Online?

Last Outlaws Online is your unofficial compendium revolving around the Last Outlaws franchise. It's the first and only, website on the internet to fully devote itself to, and enshrine, the Last Outlaws video games.

2.) Why Last Outlaws?

I always tend to build websites devoted to my obsessions. Although I have had several over the years, I have only finished one but the rest usually possess so many potential until something else comes along and steals my interest. That usually always happens when a game has ads and I get captivated by a game shown in an ad. Therefore, I show so much more love and appreciation for games that are adless. Because there aren't ads on Last Outlaws, I've been very happy to help support the developers through purchases of a monthly VIP Pass, upgraded weapons, and other, such as Meds Level 1 Meds and Material Level 1 Material.

I love this game and was eager to try and come up with something noone else has tried before. Like today, there are hundreds of websites based on video games, and even though there are the occasional few that really stick out, none of them contained that could be called "unique".

I was big on video games back in the day, and researching information about The Last Outlaw video game was simple, as information is scarce. While you may find a handful of screenshots here, a couple of tips and tricks there, and the occasional FAQs list... that is it. Really wanting to impress the SEAL.GAMES "bigwigs" (the ones who created this amazing game), I decided to create a page devoted to it, which, as I researched fully, is a somewhat uncovered subject. This is it. This is my chance to impress the developers by creating a site noone else had tried before. Game websites ran rampant on the internet, but no true Last Outlaws video game related sites exist. Until now

Version 1 was stationary. I liked Version 1 but I love wikis also.

3.) About Version 1

I've decided to open my own page, devoted solely to the Last Outlaws of the games. Falling under the guise of a Compendium or a Strategy Guide, I devoted the entire site to the game, and while the site is certainly nowhere near being fully completed, it will contain many new objects, including Item Lists, Bestiaries, Story Walkthroughs (although not fully completed), Character Lists, Tips, and more. It's the first of its kind, anywhere online.

4.) About Later Versions

While the site will focus primarily on my journey through Server 2, it's clear that my site needs to expand to cover both of the available servers and possibly its sequel, Brotherhood, also. I'm happy with the current progress of the site and can't wait to start working on the Characters, Items, and Event sections. Those will be a big part towards completion.

5.) So What's to Come?

The individual menu from each section will be different (as they will be tailored to meet the individual needs of each season), but you can expect to find:

  • Complete walkthroughs from start to finish with help every step of the way.
  • Buildings and maps for every area in your district.
  • A complete bestiary of available gangs.
  • Equipment Lists including Items and Weapons
  • A complete list of Events and Rewards
  • Tips & Tricks
  • Everything else you could ever want to know to not only beat the game but to master it.

Hang in there, guys. It's fans like you that make it worth my time to continue my devotion for the site. After all, the game is a classic, and, for those of us who hold the game near and dear to our hearts, it need a place in which it will be treated will the respect it deserves; not some cluttered list of random search engine results leading to pages with incomplete information about the game, but a true shrine devoted to the Last Outlaws video game. May Last Outlaws Online live on in the hearts of Last Outlaws video gamers everywhere - A place in which you can find everything you could ever want to know and more.

Dwain Tanner (talk) 13:11, 14 May 2024 (UTC)